-Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
Tacet is a non-profit blog and was created solely for pasttime and leisure. We will feature any stuff for as long as it strikes our fancy, although most of the time, we feature new releases from the stores we work for in Second Life, sales, freebies, and hunts. If you want us to review your items however, we are open to the idea, just as long as it is PG-13 in nature, due to the fact that there might be young audiences that might come across the site. We understand that SL has players that are minors, and although we know that they can probably see it browsing through other sites, we do not want Tacet to be where they saw it from. We do not promote or tolerate hatred in any form regardless of race, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, political affiliates, etc. This is a neutral ground. We only ask that you be polite and patient both here in this blog and inworld when contacting us.
Tacet in latin means silence. Luc Fray named it so because he believes that in silence there is wisdom and peace and beauty. In silence, there is more time to observe and study. In silence, you discover yourself.