Sunday, 20 May 2012

Drag and slap

Wow, the titles for my posts have taken a bit of a violent turn lately haven't they? It's only because I wanted to stress the importance of getting those Midnight Mania boards at PeKaS Designs locked. If you have a partner, brother or second cousin twice removed who is into role playing, drag him along cause there's boards for men too.

PeKaS Designs - Pirate Brown (0 L)

PeKaS Designs - Wild Woods (0 L)

The skin that Luc is wearing in both pictures is the new release from Unique Megastore. What you're seeing in the picture is American Man 03 with chest hair option.  We'll be bringing you more on this skin in future posts because it's just awesome.

Now get to slapping...or dragging.

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