Thursday, 4 October 2012

Commentaries and Shirts


So it's commentary day.

Every once in a while, I always catch discussions of Second Life alts, whether it be inworld or forums or in other social sites. Some would use these alts as store bots, or to create another character in RP, or to have another account for business transactions, or to have more group space, or as other means for anonymity purposes. Others, however, use them in a more negative way such as griefing or gift spamming (Just recently, I had an encounter with the latter kind of alt in one of the establishments I work in. Always does the same thing and gives out that same suspicious "gift." )

Personally, I have no alts, and I won't really care if people have them or not. I only have one account for the reason that I don't have time to bother with another one. That and because I forget passwords easily (I am terribly absentminded). I did have acquaintances, however, that would ask me to log in their accounts to check for some stuff or do a favor (e.g. check their inv, vote for someone, etc.).

Previously in SL (although I'm not sure if until now it still exists), other avatars can "determine" other people's alts through their IP addresses, which I think was a whole load of bull. For one, not everyone in the metaverse has a personal computer. I am familiar that, in most countries, computer rentals are popular and anyone can use computers for certain fees for the time spent in using them. Computer rental places are business establishments open to the public, and share only one IP address --- the owner's.

Secondly, some personal computers are not "personal" at all. Some would be shared in the household or with friends; Some people's net connections would be shared too, as in the case of portable modems or wi-fi connections.

Though some would say that they can determine alts through style of chatting and the use of symbols and syntax, and although it carries a huge percent of being right, it still is not very conclusive.

I can understand the paranoia that some people would undergo regarding alts due to some bad experience that had previously happened to them or what; frankly, however, I think it's all silly to let one bad apple ruin your experience. Loosen up. Enjoy. Live.

What if that person you were so caught up with never bothered you again? Would you continue to be paranoid for the rest of your life? I mean, it's good you're cautious, but often I find some people's reactions hilarious.

One case in point that stands out would be that chick in Facebook that I greeted "Happy Birthday" way back before. (Hey, it's not everyday you survive a year in this crazy planet, so I usually greet people to be polite.) I forgot her name, but the conversation more or less was like this:

Me: Happy Birthday!
Chick: Whose alt are you?!
Me:... huh? o.0


It was funny, but in a way, kinda sad too.

So, here's to all of you, alts or not! You'll find life would be so much better if you don't give a fork. \m/


On another completely different note, Kal Rau had released their newest casual shirt mesh creation! (WOHOOO!) It is available in 14 styles (only 3 shown here) if you buy the fatpack, but you only get to decide from 11 choices if you're going to buy it individually. All are available in 3 sizes.

Shirt - Kal Rau Casual Shirt (New Release; mesh)


  1. I use my alt to help out in English lessons. (It's also useful to show you're in an SL relationship too.) LOL

    1. Yeah, I've heard of people making alts to partner themselves (if that's what you mean). Others, to have sex with themselves which frankly, I think is very very sad and silly. But hey! Whatever floats other people's boats, right? As long as they don't harm or cross anyone, it's all cool.
